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Give Me Romance

Lawless Justice - Karina Kantas I received this book as part of the Read it and Reap. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This book was very different from most of the types of books I read. I enjoyed the diversion out of my "normal" reading. The author of the book in English and the story takes place in England. I bring this up because several times I found myself re-reading a passage to figure out what was said due to vocabulary differences. Even with the vocabulary differences I was still able to enjoy the book.

The characters in the book are sometimes easy to love and other times they are easy to hate. I think it all fluctuates for me based on what's happening at the time. The girls seem like vigilantes meting out justice at some points and others they seem like down right bullies. Considering they were part of an outlaw biker gang, that seems reasonable.

I was amazed at what they put up from their leader, but this goes to the psychology of being in a gang. Even though she could be a real beotch, she obviously provided the members with something they needed.

Just over halfway through the book I felt like I was just reading the same thing over and over and I found myself skipping passages. The ending was completely unexpected. I wasn't sure how this was going to end and the author did not disappoint with providing a different ending than could be expected.

Overall it was an enjoyable read and I found it interesting.